"We’ve hit the woodwork so many times this year. It’s the kind of season this is. They did well to score early but we gave it away. That’s football"

MILAN - "It would have been enough to mark Bonaventura and we wouldn’t have lost. But even if we had taken just a single point you still can’t start a second half that way with so many wasted chances," stated coach Walter Mazzarri after Inter v Atalanta.

"A team with nothing to lose and one that plays well like Atalanta can create problems. Inter played a great second half and then, as it has often happened, made too many mistakes. We’ve hit the woodwork so many times this year. That’s the kind of season we’re having. They did well to score early but we gave it to them. That’s football, and that’s how it went today. 

"The team should have scored right away in the second half. You need goals to win. Who should have marked Bonaventura? It should have been a midfielder to mark him, but I won’t tell you his name. I made changes to try and win it with fresh, dynamic and technical players, putting Alvarez in midfield and Hernanes in front of the defence. I was convinced we could have pushed them back. The Argentine was fresh, and I was hoping we could have unlocked Atalanta that way.

"Icardi’s t-shirt? When I used to play the standards were different, the clubs were different, and if you want to be a coach these days you have to live with these things. The young players today represent an image of today's society. If I had to worry about every little thing I didn’t like I’d go mad. So you can only imagine how I tell the lads not to celebrate so as not to lose focus and let the other team back in the game…

"Icardi still has to find his best form. He’s still playing with a bit of pain, but he’s improving. He’s an excellent player, and quite cynical and cold-blooded in front of the goal."

 Versión Española  日本語版  Versi Bahasa Indonesia  Versione Italiana 



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