"Having quality players and everyone available gives you the possibility of more options. It means more solutions and more problems for the opponents"

MILAN - "Thanks for the compliments, but today was a tough game for us. We did everything right and could have perhaps even got a better result, but we showed we could suffer as a team. We always had this one in our hands, and we weren’t able to increase our advantage because of a few errors and some imprecise play," stated Nerazzurri midfielder Esteban Cambiasso to Inter Channel after the match against Torino.

"I haven’t looked at the standings. I don’t think it would be right to do so. Whatever they say isn’t going to help us for our next match. We can’t change our approach according to the league table. There are teams both above and below us, and we can’t start making calculations now.

"I expected to see Torino come out with this attitude. It was what we wanted. If they weren’t able to do what they wanted then it comes down to how Inter played. They always come out well, even their keeper. That’s how they push you. We were always pressing them, even with our forwards.

"Having quality players and everyone available gives you the possibility to always have more options. There are always more solutions and it causes more problems for the opponent. With Mauro on the pitch it changed the tactical situation as compared to when Rodrigo plays as the lone forward.

"The fans had come with the idea of celebrating our birthday with a victory, so we can say it was a relaxing birthday we shared together."

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