"It's a deal that brings a lot to the team, and a positive signal for the club from a sporting standpoint"

MILAN – The Nerazzurri’s managing director Marco Fassone spoke to Inter Channel after the presentation press conference for Hernanes, held at the Pirelli Flagship store at 1 Corso Venezia, Milan.

"Could Hernanes be the key to turning things around? Yes, for me it’s an important signal. It’s a deal that brings a significant addition to the team, and one which perhaps shouldn’t have been made when looking at things simply from an economic standpoint. But adding such an important element shows great ambition, and even in such a complicated season like this one the acquisition of Hernanes represents a significant improvement for the team.

"Is everyone at the club on board with choices like these made by Erick Thohir? In Italy many people in football claim to make important decisions on their own. But he makes them by listening to everyone in the club, and the Hernanes deal as well was done considering all of the coaching staff and directors.

"What would I like to say to the fans? Patience is necessary, even taking into consideration that we’re Inter. Transition periods can happen; we saw it at both Roma and Juventus. We’re in a full transition year, but Hernanes’ arrival and the desire to make Inter competitive as soon as possible are important signs that changes are underway. Hernanes is now here, and it’s a positive signal for the club from a sporting standpoint."

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