The twenty-two starters for the Coppa Italia 2nd-leg semi-final at the Centro Sportivo Giacinto Facchetti (kick-off at 14:00)

MILAN - Here are the starting line-ups chosen by coaches Salvatore Cerrone and Simone Inzaghi for Inter v Lazio, the second leg of the 2013/14 Primavera Coppa Italia semi-final, which kicks off at 14:00.

Stay updated with live coverage of the match at 14:00 on Inter Channel, Inter’s official Twitter profile (#IntLazU19) and the match report on

Inter: Ivusic; Yao, Paramatti, Pinton, Eguelfi; Dabo, Palazzi, Acampora; Camara, Bonazzoli, Ventre.
Substitutes: Maniero, Sciacca, Dalla Riva, Nchama, Gaiola, Mira, Baldini, Puscas, Bigotto, Costa, Capello.
Coach: Salvatore Cerrone.

Lazio: Guerrieri; Pollace, Serpieri, Elez, Filippini; Minala, Pace, Crecco; Lombardi, Fiore, Oikonomidis.
Substitutes: De Angelis, Mattia, Perocchi, Seck, Silvagni, Paterni, Sterpone, Steri, Palombi.
Coach: Simone Inzaghi.

Referee: Serra (Turin).
Assistant referees: Zancan, Rossini. 

 Versione Italiana 

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