"I saw a team that continued to play football and deserved more than a single goal. But we can’t let in goals from mistakes like that anymore"

FORMELLO - After Lazio v Inter, the 1st-leg semi-final of the Coppa Italia, the Nerazzurri’s Primavera coach Salvatore Cerrone gave a few statements.

Here is what he had to say:

"First of all, there were too many errors on our part. We were already facing a top-level team, and then when we go and make such silly mistakes… We can’t let in goals like that. On the other hand, I’m happy with the mental reaction my lads showed, because we never lost our heads, despite such an unfavourable result.

"I saw a team that continued to play football and one that deserved more than a single goal. Of course, just to give an example, had Capello’s shot gone in things would have gone differently. This is a classic case of a result that, when analysed afterwards, could lead you to believe the game was almost dominated by Lazio.

"But those who watched the match could tell you it was influenced by certain individual episodes. Now we have a duty to believe, and we’ll look ahead to the return leg with confidence."

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