Honorary president: "The players work hard, we need to help them to achieve better results. And have faith in Thohir, he's eager to do well"

MILAN - Massimo Moratti spoke to the press waiting outside the Saras offices earlier.

Read what the Nerazzurri honorary president had to say, in full, here on

We want to know what's going at Inter at the moment...
"I definitely think there's been some bad luck involved, but these are always excuses. I think the team played quite well yesterday. The misfortune lies in the fact that we could have definitely scored, we missed some chances and made mistakes on the goal we conceded. All of that is behind the result we got. But I thought the match could have gone differently towards the end given the way we played."

Have you spoken to president Thohir? What does he think?
"Of course, and he was very disappointed. I think he needs to come here and I think he will do so towards the end of the week because, just like with AC Milan before, the players and indeed everyone need to have someone in front of them who knows what they're doing and is also the person in charge. This gives you a different kind of strength."

If not you'll have to do overtime and always be the one with the team in Appiano Gentile?
"No, I don't think I've done a lot of that recently. I simply believe this needs to be done because it meets the demands - that he obviously knows perfectly well - of a club that has to move forward together."

The fact that he's so far away, is there not a risk that the team and indeed the club in general might lack a figurehead?
"He's working to avoid that happening and so I'm fairly confident he'll be a success."

What do you make of the recent refereeing mistakes involving Inter?
"I spoke too much about this when I was president but it's not improved at all. I still think those in charge show arrogance. So I don't see how this can automatically change in people. I still think Rizzoli officiated very well yesterday, he just didn't see it. It's bad luck that it happens to us, but I think he managed the rest of the match very well. He didn't see it but that cost us dearly."

Are you concerned or still confident?
"We're used to it, that's what football's all about. I'm not worried. I just hope this spell comes to an end because we're not getting any results of late."

It seems the squad is a bit light in some areas, the fans are expecting a few moves in the transfer market. Will the club do some business in the window?
"I think so, I'm not the man to ask, but I believe so."

What would be your message to the fans?
"This is the time to support the team and the players are our friends. These guys work hard and we need to help them to achieve better results. Plus we need to have faith in Thohir because he's eager to do well."

What do you make of these claims that the team needs to be rebuilt using young players and getting rid of the elder statesmen?
"He never said that. First of all, Thohir never said anything of the sort. And obviously it's natural that age starts to catch up with you sooner or later. That's something we've always tried to do. I thought Milito was one of our best players yesterday, and Cambiasso put his heart and soul into the game. As long as their bodies hold up I think they make a very positive contribution."

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