Walter Mazzarri puts his men through morning workout. Thigh strain confirmed for Diego Milito

APPIANO GENTILE - Walter Mazzarri assembled his Nerazzurri squad - minus the international players - at the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti this morning for their only training session of the day.

After warming up, the players were put through a series of ball possession exercises and drills on defensive movements then finished with a match on a half-length pitch.

Primavera youngsters Andrea Mira, Michael Ventre, Fabio Eguelfi, Stefano Dalla Riva and Mouhamed Dabò were drafted in to work with the first team today.

The Nerazzurri's next training session is scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Diego Milito underwent scans at the Columbus Clinic this morning, which showed a thigh strain (rectus femoris muscle) in his left leg. The striker has already begun his recovery programme.

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