"I didn't want to offend with the gesture. Just fire up the fans to help the team and not whistle every lost ball. They have to be our 14th man"

MILAN - "It wasn’t a great moment for me when I left the pitch, but it will help me to become stronger on a personal level. I had also been whistled at Porto, and then we won everything. I care about the Inter fans. Everyone knows what I do every day for the good of the team. I didn’t want to offend anyone with the gesture. I wanted to fire up the fans to help the team and not whistle every ball we lost. They need to be the twelfth man on the pitch for us," said Fredy Guarin to Inter Channel after the win over Fiorentina.

"We came up against a strong team that has played well in their recent games. We showed a lot of patience and then had the determination and strength to find the winner after equalising. We showed courage to the end and believed, then bagged the victory with our play. I congratulate all my team-mates," he continued.

 Versión Española  Versione Italiana 

tags: guarin
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