On the defence: "Very solid at the back again, another clean sheet. We're working really well as a team, that's why we're conceding fewer chances"

REGGIO EMILIA - Andrea Ranocchia highlighted the importance of Inter's flying start in today's win over Sassuolo: "We shot out of the blocks and quickly got into our stride. Then we just kept playing our game and never let up."

The centre-back went on to stress the team's defensive steel, which goes beyond the back three: "We were very solid at the back again today and managed to keep another clean sheet. We have to keep doing that. We have a difficult game coming up on Thursday now and we must get stuck into preparing for it properly straight away. We're all working really well as a team this year and that's what's helped us to concede fewer chances. Fiorentina next? As I said, it's going to be tough. We must make sure we're ready for them."

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