Defender to Inter Channel: "Good signs from the defence, we'll learn from our mistakes. I had a decent first half but ruined it all in the second"

NEW JERSEY – He was one of the best performers for an hour against Chelsea, but for Hugo Campagnaro it's understandably difficult to get his mind off his sending off in the 59th minute. "Yes, I played well in the first half but then I went and ruined it all in the second when I lost it for a sec," the defender told Inter Channel with a wry grin after this morning's training session.

Still, there were good signs from the Nerazzurri defence as a unit. "We managed to limit Chelsea to just a few shots on goal. Unfortunately they scored with their first chance. It knocked us back a bit because we'd got off to a good start and the first half could even have finished 2-1 but we have to take the positives because the signs are promising. Oscar scored a magnificent goal and all you can do is give him the credit. Perhaps we did something wrong in the build-up because you can't find yourself three on three like that. We have to keep improving, working out what we're doing wrong and fixing it. We've got some tough games coming up and we must aim to do better."

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