"I've been surprised by their hunger - they're never satisfied. Mazzarri gives us youngsters freedom to express ourselves, he wants to see how we play"

ROVERETO – Nerazzurri youngster Andrea Mira answered questions from journalists after coming off the bench to feature in today's friendly against FeralpiSalò.

"It's been a wonderful and important experience for me. As for my position, I don't mind playing in central midfield. That's what modern football is about: you have to put in the running so you can help the team.

"Pressure? I haven't really felt it much because it's so easy to slot in alongside these great players. You just have to watch, observe and learn. Where can I improve? I have to get used to the pace of the game, it's totally different at first-team level.

"Mazzarri? He gives us youngsters the freedom to express ourselves because he wants to see how we play the game but he's given us some concepts he wants us to take on board.

"I've been surprised at how down to earth my team-mates are, even though they're world-class players. I've learnt that you need to be able to think very quickly at this level. Cambiasso? Yes, he's given us lots of advice. A lasting image of this training camp? The hunger of these players, the fact that they're never satisfied."

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