'Vinci e vestiti come i tuoi campioni' Lottery: Nerazzurri shirt and shorts plus a meeting with Palacio, Handanovic and Icardi the prizes

PINZOLO – The rain that descended on the Stadio Pineta in the late afternoon drained none of the enthusiasm and excitement from the winners of the 'Vinci e vestiti come i tuoi campioni' Lottery. For them it was an unforgettable day.

After training Daniel and Elvis were welcomed in the area set aside for the team where they met Rodrigo Palacio, as cheerful and approachable as ever. He handed them their shirt and shorts then signed autographs and posed for the ritual photos to immortalise a magical moment.

There was an even bigger surprise for young Nerazzurri fans Giuliano and Nicolò, accompanied by their dad Ezio and uncle, and three friends Luca, Nicolò and Stefano from Padua: they received their prizes from idols Mauro Icardi and Samir Handanovic at the team's hotel.

Tomorrow there will be more prizes to be won in the lottery set up UNICEF in collaboration with Inter Campus to help Bolivian children. Some more dreams will come true!

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