Speaking to Inter Channel from Argentina: "Really missing Pinzolo. I'm following doctor Combi's rehab programme and the tendon's responding well"

APPIANO GENTILE – There was a special guest on Inter Channel's news programme this evening as Javier Zanetti spoke on the phone from Argentina.

Does it feel strange not to be in Pinzolo?
"Yes, it does a bit. I'm really missing not being there but hey. I'm recovering from this injury back home in my country and I hope to see you all again soon."

We've got a coach whose first rule is hard work. You two are going to get on well...
"Yes, we will because it's exactly what we needed. Lots of graft and being aware that we must start challenging at the top again this season. Hopefully that's what we'll do."

How difficult is it for you to be on holiday and not be able to do the things you normally do on holiday, which is play more football and train?
"I'm following the programme doctor Combi and the physio Andrea Galli gave me. I see the tendon is responding very well and with any luck that will continue."

Lots of teams have strengthened. It's going to be a fascinating season.
"It will be very even, as it's always been in Serie A. I hope we can have a good season and get to April and still be in with a shout of winning."

Do you have a message for all the Inter fans?
"All I've got to say to them is thank you. I've seen that they've turned out in huge numbers again to get behind us in Pinzolo. It shows that Inter's important to them and that they have confidence in us."

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