In the green of the Balkan mountains, football, fun and games help integration among kids of different cultural backgrounds

SOFIA - An Inter Campus delegation flew to Sofia recently for our second Bulgarian trip this year.

The streets of the capital were heaving with peaceful demonstrators, united in protest against the country's political system, but we didn't stay long. Our destination was Troyan, a small town set in the lush green of the Balkan mountains.

We were met on arrival by about a hundred kids who couldn't wait to start training with our coaches – on this occasion Silvio Guareschi and Dario Tripol. The 40 kids from Troyan were joined by children from other Inter Campus Bulgaria centres: 20 Roma children from Bania, 15 from Separeva Bania and 20 boys and girls from Vrabevo school.

The customary refresher course was run for the five local trainers and of course there were football lessons for the kids, with integration and enjoyment the aim of the game. There was plenty of fun off the pitch too, as the children wasted no time making new friends over their packed lunches.

Here, where Europe meets Asia, Inter Campus and the Nerazzurri shirt are doing their little bit to help break down cultural barriers.

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