As he prepares to take charge of the Primavera team, Salvatore Cerrone spoke to Inter Channel and looked back on his first 13 years at the club

MILAN - Inter Channel's Alessandro Villa met up with Salvatore Cerrone at the Centro Sportivo Giacinto Facchetti today, and the newly appointed Primavera coach made no attempt to hide his joy about the new adventure he's setting out on.

Salvatore Cerrone, congratulations on becoming the Primavera coach after many years at Inter. What was your first reaction?
"I was happy of course. I want to thank president Moratti again for giving me this chance to coach the Primavera side, as I think it's the ultimate target that all youth-team coaches aspire to. I felt happy and at the same time I wanted to start making a success of it immediately, get down to work and lay some solid foundations for the coming season."

Not that we want to put you under any pressure here, but the last four Primavera coaches have all won at least one trophy with the Under-19s. Esposito, Pea, Stramaccioni and Bernazzani...
"And long may that tradition continue! Obviously this is a step up for me and I realise it's going to be harder, not so much in the work we'll be doing on the pitch but in the management of the players. I'm ready for it: I know I have to prepare the players for the first team, and at this level that's the aim more than at any other. My job is to bring these youngsters through as quickly as possible and make sure they're ready for the senior side if and when the call comes for them. Of course we'll try to play some good football as well and... it never hurts to win a thing or two either!"

You've accumulated a lot of experience at Inter over the years. How different do you think you are as a coach now compared to when you first set out?
"I've spent 13 fantastic years here and I've obviously come on a lot as a coach during that time. Every age category has given me something different, helped me to develop, changed the way I work and my mentality. Last time out with the Allievi [Under-17s] was a great experience in terms of training methods and dealing with the boys – and the older they get the more problems you can encounter. It was a period of growth for me as a trainer, both in a technical sense and away from the pitch. 13 fantastic years and I hope to keep counting them..."

What will you try to get across to your players?
"The same thing I've always done up till now. I want to see a team playing good football but also enjoying themselves. I've always said to the lads that if they're having fun then they'll be able to play well and win. At this level you need to be careful about every little detail, but I do want my team to go out there and play the game, a team that plays as a unit, attacking and defending together."

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