Training of local educators continues, involving the parish, three orphanages and a youth correction centre

KRAKOW - The Inter Campus team have visited Krakow. Alberto Giacomini and Silvio Guareschi ran training sessions over four days, alternating between the Inter Campus site at (Jadwiga/Saint Edwige) and the new satellite sites in the same area of Krakow, three orphanages and a youth correction centre.

Special thanks go to local organiser Aleksander Kawiorsky and his staff for the time and passion they put into their work. Thanks to them the project is becoming more solid by the day and now involves around 300 kids. Inter Campus' mission in Poland is to take advantage of the knowledge imparted to the Jadwiga coaches over the years to train the Inter Campus educator-coaches in the various satellite sites.

To the delight of everyone, Franek was back training after two years battling leukemia. The visit came to a close with a party atmosphere as everyone took part in a mini tournament.

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