"We held our shape well and didn't suffer much other than a few set pieces; an area of strength for them"

GENOA – It was the first Serie A start for Simone Pasa after his debut a few days ago. "We held our shape well and didn’t suffer much other than a few set pieces; an area where they’re particularly strong. Personally I struggled a bit when Borriello attacked me from behind, but the coach did well to explain to me what I had to do. Then things went well," he stated to Inter Channel.

"This season hasn’t been easy and we youngsters have done a good job taking advantage of the opportunities that have come along, even though we feel badly for the team-mates we’ve had to substitute. How important is it to have Nagatomo on my side? He’s a player that, in addition to his quality, runs and helps out a lot. You feel more confident with him. Cambiasso? He talked to me a lot and helped me regarding the movement. Having someone close by like him in the first few matches really helps a lot. The future? We have to talk about it. The important thing for a young player is to play. Doing so at Inter would be fantastic, but I understand the team is full of quality players so it won’t be easy. We’ll see."

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tags: team pasa
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