"Against our youth players on Thursday so that we can see it they're up to making a return to the pitch"

APPIANO GENTILE - "Lazio have shown they're a solid Serie A team, They paid the price for their efforts in the Europa League and Klose's injury, but they're a a very good outfit." That was Andrea Stramaccioni's assessment of tomorrow's opponents Lazio when he met the media in today's press conference.

The coach went on to discuss the fitness of Antonio Cassano and Yuto Nagatomo. "Cassano is working really hard, we've organised a friendly amongst ourselves on Thursday with the kids from our youth teams so that he can get some match time in him. It will be useful for Nagatomo too. We want him to return without running any risks. They'll put in a lot of work today and tomorrow then on Thursday we'll see how they do on the pitch in this test match.

"Nagatomo's recovery? We have complete confidence in our medical staff. It's right that Inter should make the appropriate assessments before putting him back on the pitch, but the signs are good. An operation? You have to consider the wishes of the player as well – he has to agree to it. At the moment we keeping surgery as a last option. What we can do is arrange a friendly that simulates match conditions where Yuto can push himself a bit. If it goes well, he could play on Sunday. If it doesn't then we can't rule out an operation."

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