Plans afoot to build a new sports centre for the children of Katanga

KATANGA - Inter Campus has just returned from its customary visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo where it works alongside Milan-based charity ALBA (Associazione Laica Bambini Africani). The team ran coaching courses with five local educators and 120 kids from different backgrounds.

The Jemaa Yetu school, La Cité des jeunes (Bakanja Centre, the Salesian school for homeless children), the girls at RODE (which helps rape victims), youngsters at the school run by the Gocongo foundation, and those from the Cawama centre, on the outskirts of Lubumbashi, all benefited from the sports courses run by Lorenzo and Dario, and filmed by Valerio.

ALBA, UNICEF and Inter Campus will be back soon to help build changing rooms with toilets and shower facilities for all the children of the local area, now that the rainy season is over. A new sports centre will be created in what is currently a neglected area on the edge of this huge city of three million people, set in the heart of a region littered with land mines, regularly disturbed by tribal conflicts, and patrolled by armed militia.

The kids showed great enthusiasm, wearing their new Nerazzurri kits and playing with the footballs donated by Inter Campus partner, ASD Calvairate. Gabriele Salmi of Albi assures us that the next visit in the autumn will be held at the new centre in Cawama.

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