"It was an important goal, but most of all for the victory. I want to share it with everyone: staff, fans, team-mates, the president…"

MILAN – It was a big goal that Tommaso Rocchi scored today. The strike from the Nerazzurri forward decided the game against Parma, and he later expressed his thoughts on Inter Channel: "It was an important goal, but most of all it was crucial for the victory. It’s a goal I want to share with everyone: the staff, fans, my team-mates, the president… With all of them. This isn’t the greatest moment for us and winning today was very important."

The striker continued: "Personally, I’m doing fine, even if I’m a bit fatigued. But that’s the case for everyone. However, I want to keep improving until the end. My team-mates all wish me the best? The lads see me as an important player who arrived recently and is willing to give his all for the group. I really feel I’m a part of the team. I haven’t been here long but I tried to fit in straight away and make myself available in order to be ready as soon as possible. And then it’s helped me to train with them every day, as regards the movement on the pitch and the instinctual things. The goal? Yes, I’d like to make a special dedication for it: to my girlfriend and son, who were in the Pirelli room and watched me a bit more close up."

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tags: rocchi
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