"They'll give everything to reach third place, and aim for the Coppa Italia final"

APPIANO GENTILE – This evening’s edition of Prima Serata on Inter Channel featured Diego Milito as the guest, and it was inevitable that there would be at least one question regarding the new Pope. The Argentine forward responded: "It was certainly an unexpected surprise, and we all feel very proud."

Then from the Pope to his role as a father: "Would I like my young son Leandro to become a footballer? I’ll try to give him the freedom to make his own choices in life. There’s no doubt he already loves football, although I don’t know if that’s what he’ll do in the future. I enjoy trying to be a father who is close to his kids, and to be there for them."

A few questions on peculiarities, such as his choice of the number 22: "It's a number that I just ended up with," revealed Milito. "When I arrived at Zaragoza I had the choice of either 2 and 22. I opted for the latter because I liked it more. That’s where it started. And then it was available at Genoa and Inter. Will I end my career at Inter? I honestly don't know. I’ve always said that I’d like to go back to Argentina and play with the club I started with. You never know. Now I’m focused on recovering and getting back on the pitch. I don’t know what will happen after that." Has El Principe ever considered a future as a coach or director? "I haven’t considered those things yet. I still think as a player. I’m trying to enjoy my final years on the pitch, then I’ll decide my future."

Regarding young strikers, Milito was asked if there are any that impress him or he feels resemble him. "There are a lot of good ones. I’m not sure if there are any that can be compared to me. I've always said I like Mattia Destro, who I’ve also had the pleasure of meeting. He’s a good lad and a great player with a high ceiling. Samuele Longo is also a great striker, and we’ve trained a lot together. He’s young and has to continue growing. What he’s experiencing in Spain is going to help him grow and give him a lot. Icardi? He’s doing very well. He’s another youngster who has exploded in the Serie A and he’s got a of quality."

What about the league and the Coppa Italia? Will Inter manage to reach third place and the cup final? "I have a lot of confidence in my team-mates. They’ll give their all to reach third place, then hopefully we’ll be in the final of the Coppa Italia. I’m convinced the lads will stand up and be counted in these remaining months," replied the Argentine marksman.

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