The Argentine striker was a guest on Prima Serata, which will air tonight at 21:00 on Inter Channel

APPIANO GENTILE - Diego Milito was the guest on this evening’s edition of Prima Serata on Inter Channel (airing at 21:00).

It was the first time that the Argentine champion spoke after sustaining his injury in the Europa League match on 14 February at the San Siro against Romanian side Cluj. There were many e-mails sent containing questions, and the forward sat down in the Inter Channel studio to give his responses.

"First of all, I want to thank the fans. They’re fantastic. Their support for me has been the greatest thing throughout this whole ordeal. The first few days after the injury were very tough, and all this support has provided me with a lot of strength. I also want to get back to 100% for them. This is the goal I have in mind and I’ll try to get back to my best to be able to make these people happy."

Milito continued: "I’m doing well. I’ve started the recovery work and luckily the knee is responding to all the exercises I’m beginning to do. Luckily we’re on the right track. However, I miss working with the ball. Hopefully, if all goes well, I’ll be able to start the pre-season summer camp with the team. My objective is to get back to playing again and keep doing my part to help out. I spend a lot of time at home with my family, especially on weekends when I’m not training with the team. I love being at home and I also try to do the little things to help my knee recover, like ice packs for example, and any other type of thing I can do on my own."

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