"We've had a tough time, but difficult periods help you to grow and improve"

APPIANO GENTILE - Andrea Ranocchia spoke to Sky Italia's Marco Barzaghi in an interview which will be aired this afternoon on Sky Sport 24.

Here's what the Nerazzurri defender had to say:

"The win over Tottenham shows we're still alive and kicking, still in there. We showed you can recover from an away defeat, even if you start 3-0 down. It proves we all believed it possible. Is there a risk of our level dropping against Sampdoria? The lads that played yesterday will recuperate and will go into the Sampdoria match in a good frame of mind. We've been given a big psychological boost.

"We really must qualify for the Champions League. Third place? There are a number of sides in the hunt, we'll keep fighting until the end. Third position is fundamental for all of us. How does Cassano seem to me? Calm and hungry. I think he's come on as well this season. We've had a tough time but difficult periods help you to grow and improve. Stramaccioni? The squad are with him just like we've always been. You go through rough patches, that's inevitable, but we're all united and that's how we move forward."

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tags: ranocchia
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