Exclusive interview with Inter Channel: "This team was winning trophies and was very important to me"

PAVIA - After completing his medical at the Policlinico San Matteo, Croatian midfielder Mateo Kovacic gave his first interview to Inter Channel.

Yesterday evening you were at a training camp in Bosnia with your old team, then you did 400 kilometres by car and took a plane to come to Inter. Is it like a dream?

"Yes, it all happened really quickly. I was training with Dinamo and my coach told me I was coming to play for Inter. I said, 'Seriously?' It was like a dream for me and I can't really describe what I feel at the moment. I'm really happy to be here because Inter are a great club and I want to do my best."

What do Inter mean to you?

"When I was still a boy, Inter were winning lots of trophies. I was training and taking part in campuses and Inter were an important team for me. They're one of the biggest clubs in Europe and Italy. I'm happy  I've joined a team like this and I hope to stay here for a long time."

Who is your favourite Inter player?

"There are lots of great players here, like Cassano and Guarin for example. I hope to be able to do my bit and help Inter in the championship."

What's your favourite position?

"I like playing in the centre of midfield."

The fans are happy you're here. What do you think you can give them?

"First of all I want to thank them because I've heard they're very happy that I've joined. For now all I can do is thank them and I hope to meet them soon."

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