"Defence or midfield is the same to me, I'm happy to adapt to the needs of the team"

MILAN - Alvaro Pereira gave his thoughts to Sky Sport Italia after putting on a strong showing on the left wing against Pescara. The Uruguayan was asked if his display tonight was an answer to his critics. "I've always remained calm and kept working for my club," he replied. "We've lost a few games recently and when that happens it's sometimes a little difficult to get your confidence back. I'm happy to adapt to needs of the team and I'm pleased to have started the second half of the season with a performance like that. My position? It's the same to me. I played at full-back for three years at Porto, when you play in a five-man midfield it's different because you need to be able to defend and attack. Benassi? Marco had a very good game and he's got a great future."

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tags: season pereira

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