Winning numbers from the lottery draw run by UNICEF and Inter Campus to help Bolivian children

MILAN - This morning at 11:00 at the headquarters of the Italian Committee for UNICEF, president Fiammetta Casali, Francesco Toldo and Luca Barassi made the draw to see which lucky ticket holders would receive a signed Nerazzurri shirt directly from their heroes.

These are the winning numbers:

21237: wins a signed shirt from Esteban Cambiasso

11752: wins a signed shirt from Samir Handanovic

9875: wins a signed shirt from Diego Milito

1742: wins a signed shirt from Antonio Cassano

21655: wins a signed shirt from Javier Zanetti

7532: wins a signed shirt from Rodrigo Palacio

Winning ticket holders are asked to send an email to, stating their full name and telephone contact number, with an attached scan of their winning ticket before Thursday 17 January 2013.

The dates for prize collection will be published on once all winning tickets have been checked.

We would like to thank everyone that took part, whose generous donations allowed us to raise money to support homeless children in Bolivia as part of the project run by UNICEF in partnership with Inter Campus.

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