"Thanks to the coach, the club and president Moratti especially. I'll repay the faith everyone's shown in me"

APPIANO GENTILE – Tommaso Rocchi was unveiled to the media today. Journalists were waiting for him in the press room as Inter's new signing entered accompanied by technical director Marco Branca and sporting director Piero Ausilio. There was a flash of cameras as Rocchi held up his number 18 shirt.

The striker was clearly delighted: "I've joined a huge club and I've been given an amazing reception by a great group of people. I've been made to feel at home straightaway. I'm really pleased."

Rocchi oozed enthusiasm: "I'm so desperate to play football..." he said with a smile. "To do my bit for the team, help my team-mates. I'm happy to be here. I hope to repay everyone for the faith shown in me. Am I ready to play tomorrow? I've trained with the rest of the squad but obviously not having played for Lazio for a while I'm not up to full match fitness. We'll see."

Whether it's tomorrow or further down the line, Rocchi can't wait to prove his worth on the pitch and prove his doubters wrong – those who might think he's not the sort of signing Inter needed. "You can only change people's minds by producing the goods on the pitch. I'm grateful to Inter for believing in me: the coach, the club and president Moratti especially, who stepped in to bring me here. I'm hungry and determined to make those who reckon I have nothing left to give think again."

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