Nerazzurri coach answers the fans' questions on Inter Channel, broadcast tonight at 21:00

APPIANO GENTILE – The first edition of Prima Serata in 2013 sees a very special guest in the Inter Channel studios, where Andrea Stramaccioni answered questions sent in by fans, read out as usual by Roberto Scarpini.

"Even though we had that great win over Juventus in Turin, I think Inter's most exciting game up until now was the derby against AC Milan," the coach explained when asked to name his 'most memorable game' during his time in charge of the Nerazzurri. "It was a match that we won with attributes that went beyond just footballing ability. The direction of the game changed when we went down to ten men after Nagatomo was sent off, and I think that's when Inter came up with something they hadn't shown before then - fortitude, compactness, togetherness, hunger to win and determination not to collapse when faced with a negative situation, which you get in football sometimes. That day we were also egged on by fans in a stadium where 65% of the spectators were Rossoneri fans. From the dugout - which wasn't our own dugout - I could see Handanovic's goal and Inter were helped by the supporters in the stand behind him who delayed sending the ball back onto the pitch."

Then, as the conversation turned to music, Stramaccioni revealed that he sees himself more as a "coordinator" than a director of the orchestra. That question was the cue for a surprise phone call from Luciano Ligabue for the coach. The Italian singer-songwriter said: "He's already proving that he's a good coordinator with Inter. We both fill San Siro? Yes, that's true but I have a slight advantage because when I do a concert people come to enjoy themselves and it's very unlikely that anything can go wrong. It's different for Andrea. Every time he's on stage there's an opponent to beat, so the atmosphere is definitely more tense. And he does it all year round, whereas we perform there much less. If I were in the Inter team, I'd see myself in the holding role, but fortunately we already have Cambiasso doing a brilliant job there." Stramaccioni thanked 'Liga' and admitted that "I was a fan of yours during the 90s when I was living in Bologna. Maybe my destiny was in those words of yours, Urlando contro il cielo [a song that Nerazzurri fan Ligabue wrote about Inter]."

You can watch the full interview with Stramaccioni on Inter Channel's Prima Serata at 21:00

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tags: Stramaccioni

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