"They scored with their first shot... We dug really deep. Always disappointed when you don't get the 3 points"

MILAN - Esteban Cambiasso, Inter's goalscorer against Genoa, gave his thoughts after the match: "We didn't play very well in the first half but after the break we had a number of chances we were unable to put away. Then with their first shot... We came back by digging really deep, maybe the football wasn't that pretty but we showed belief."

The midfielder was asked if the team was perhaps below off the pace today: "Obviously you throw all caution to the wind when you find yourself behind, so I think Inter picked up because they scored. Is this a blow for our ambitions? No, we're keeping on our path, we know we must do the best we can this season. You aim to get three points in every game, so obviously you're disappointed when you don't get them."

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