"We had to play like that to overcome Napoli. On the corner my job was to draw opponents away to free up space"

MILAN - Andrea Ranocchia spoke to Inter Channel after playing his part in the Nerazzurri's win over Napoli: "We all played well, we had to do that to beat a side like Napoli, but now we'll focus on Lazio. My role in the set piece that led to our opening goal? I had to draw opponents away together with my team-mates to free up space behind us."

Asked for a comment on Javier Zanetti's performance, Ranocchia replied: "The captain is remarkable [smiling], he helped me out in the area, he and Nagatomo gave me a big hand with Insigne."

Finally, a word on Cambiasso's position: "He's very astute tactically so he has no problem playing in that position. Does he talk more than Samuel? Yes, he does do that... [smiling]."

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