Guests at the dinner include more than 100 members and representatives from other clubs in Piedmont

GALLIATE - Inter Club Galliate celebrated its 30th birthday last night, Tuesday 27 November, at "Il Pesco Selvatico" agriturismo.

More than 100 members attended the dinner along with guests from other Inter Club branches in Piedmont: Turin, Sozzago, Biella, Alessandria, Val Sesia and il Circolo Ricreativo San Paolo Torino.

The evening was organised by president Mauro Mancin in conjunction with vice-president Massimo Foradini, as those present looked back at the history of the club, as well as Inter's successes.

Many guests also attended the celebrations, including Gigi Simoni, Mario Corso, Aurelio Milani and Sergio Spairani, head of the Inter Club Coordination Centre.

Also present were Piedmont coordinator Giuseppe Fisichella, Enzo Novembre and Alberto Bacchetta in his dual role as assistant and club secretary.

The founding members were recognised as the evening came to a close with a prize draw, with the proceeds going to the Pupi Foundation.

 Versión Española  Versione Italiana 

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