"I deserved to be sent off the pitch, but not banned. Cassano will be in Parma to support the team"

APPIANO GENTILE – "We are absolutely focused and have our thoughts on Parma, without any distractions," responded Andrea Stramaccioni to questions ahead of tomorrow’s challenge and one week after Inter v Cagliari. "We are focused on the football end of things. We definitely haven’t had much luck in certain incidents, but tomorrow at the Stadio Tardini I’m convinced that only the pitch will do the talking," he continued.

Tomorrow the Nerazzurri coach will take his spot on the bench, after the Federal Court of Justice overturned his ban that was handed down by the sporting authorities. Taking care of the appeal were lawyers Angelo Capellini and Adriano Raffaelli: "A special thanks to Capellini and Raffaelli, who are not only excellent professionals but also played a part in my history at Inter. The decision to make me the coach of Inter took place in Raffaelli’s office and I didn't know about it, while it was in front of Capellini that I signed a 3-year contract that changed my life, as some would say."

Regarding the sending off and the ban that was overturned, the coach stressed: "I deserved to be sent off because I blatantly expressed my disapproval with my arms thrown out wide… I really deserved to be sent off. But I didn’t deserve to be banned because I absolutely did not offend anyone. It’s the first time in my career that I’ve ever found myself in such a situation. It was a spontaneous and sincere reaction to the game. To me it’s right that I’m back on the bench in Parma. I’m pleased about that."

However, the ban for Antonio Cassano was neither cancelled nor reduced. "When I was surrounded on the pitch I didn’t see who was involved, then Antonio told me he had done it… I was hoping that such an act of 'charity' might have brought a reduction of at least one game in the ban… Also because Parma’s CEO Pietro Leonardi is right: it would have been worse for them and better for us if Antonio were out there on the pitch. It’s a big loss but we respect the ruling," said Stramaccioni.

"Can Cassano's ban be considered his first 'Cassanata' here at Inter? I have faith in him and the people who were with him when he protested. It was a vehement protest but it didn't go over the top. Therefore, I didn't see a 'Cassanata' but rather a player showing passion for Inter. I'm happy for him. And I'll tell you something else: Antonio will be at Parma despite his ban, and his presence is worth three times as much."

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