"I'd be prepared to do anything to win the Scudetto. Scoring is the pinnacle in football"

APPIANO GENTILE – "I'd do anything to win the Scudetto!" exclaimed Diego Milito during his Prima Serata interview. He meant it too, and so it was that he agreed to dye his hair blond if Inter were to win the title.

There's no doubting he's hungry for more success. That's why Diego and the rest of the team are working so hard, because "We hope to win titles. Lots of titles," he grinned.

In the meantime, there's no harm in taking a look back at past achievements, starting with the 2010 Champions League triumph in Madrid, when the Prince netted two historic goals: "The second one relaxed us a bit. From that moment I thought 'We're close, we're close to realising a dream'. Scoring is the pinnacle in football. Sometimes it's difficult to explain it in words. It's a moment of joy, so immensely satisfying when you hit the back of the net. Have I kept in touch with Mourinho? Yes, I get the odd text from him. We get on really well."

Curious fans bombarded the studio with emails and questions for Milito. One of which was, "What does it feel like when you take a penalty?" The Prince replied: "It's never easy and it's normal to feel a little bit tense. Then you get goalkeepers and goalkeepers. I try to study them just as they try to study me."

You can read the last instalment of Milito's interview on at 21:00, at the same time as Prima Serata goes to air on Inter Channel

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