"I hope we go into it with the mindset of two teams: one has shown they're good and the other wants to show it"

MILAN - President Massimo Moratti spoke to reporters at the end of the FC Internazionale shareholders' meeting.

Can we say that Inter's start to the season has been better than even the rosiest predictions?

"I don't know about better than even the rosiest predictions because the fans always like to dream, but certainly better than the most sensible predictions. We thought we'd start well but take a bit longer to get the team clicking than we have done. The credit goes in equal measure to the players and the coach as they have been able to adapt to the changes."

It could have been even better though, couldn't it? If Catania had won yesterday, Inter would be just a point behind Juventus.

"Everyone has thought about that, Napoli must have thought the same. But although yesterday seems dramatic at the moment it will all blow over in a few days' time. What matters most is that things have happened due to error and not for other reasons. And since this was definitely a case of error, the season will balance itself out."

So what are we to do if we have six match officials and the result is still wrong?

"Confusion can arise from the fact that too many people have to decide a single matter. Also, what seems like a long time isn't actually very long to make a decision when there are so many people involved."

Catania president Pulvirenti even went as far as to ask for the game to be replayed...

"I'm not going to get into that. Pulvirenti is understandably angry. I have no desire whatsoever to give my opinion on that matter."

Are you going into Saturday's match with Juventus in a calm state of mind?

"There's no controversy with us at the moment. We steer away from controversy with Juve. I hope we can go into it with the mindset of two teams where one has already given ample demonstration of how good they are, and are current Scudetto holders, and the other is trying to emerge and show how good they can be. I hope it's a decent match on a sporting level."

What do you make of president Agnelli's proposal for a reform of Italian football?

"If you put it like that it sounds megalomaniacal. If you look at each point individually, as he explained things, I must admit that I agree with a number of things he touched upon."

Do you ever think that you took a risk appointing the Primavera coach to take charge of Inter's first team?

"Yes, there must have been some who thought that within the club too [he smiles]. I've always felt that the players understood that choice much better than anyone else did and so that has proved."

Do you get the impression, after the last game, that the players are starting to see winning the Scudetto as a possibility?

"It's also their duty to think that way, so that they have the ambition to keep bettering themselves. You have to keep your feet on the ground as well though..."

Do you like the way Andrea Stramaccioni is handling the squad, the way he's setting them up and how the new players have fit into the Inter model?

"The coach is undoubtedly talented and the players who have won a lot are a big help for the younger ones. That mix of youngsters and champions creates the conditions both for Stramaccioni to trust them and for them to perform well. And I think we are doing very well."

Should the fans be worried that the Chinese investors haven't joined the board of directors?

"I've never given them reason to worry yet..."

Can you tell us what is causing the delay?

"Local bureaucratic matters."

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tags: Moratti
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