Tutors and partners meet in Havana for the Nerazzurri visit in the second training cycle

Havana - The Ciudad Deportiva in Havana hosted the 7th refresher course for Inter Campus Cuba coaches.
Everyone was there including the coaches from the eastern provinces of Las Tunas, Holguin and Gramma who, despite the problems of travelling overland, managed to join their colleagues in the capital.
As usual theory was covered in the morning and in the afternoon they met these enthusiastic children to put into practice the suggestions and concepts they had analysed together with the  local tutors.

Our coaches Alberto Giacomini and Ricardo Martinez, along with technical and organisational director Aldo Montinaro, started the second cycle of training, which according to the programmes, will see the Inter Campus coaches arrive in the eastern provinces shortly.

The organisational meetings were held in the offices of the local United Nations PDHL and at the Stadio Pedro Marrero, headquarters of the local Associacion del Futbol, where the outcome was that the partners (including the Ministry for Sport and Recreation, INDER) expressed their desire to extend the activities to Santiago de Cuba and celebrate the success of the programme, which has been recognised as one of the best ongoing cooperation projects in Cuba, by means of a "Festival", bringing together all 240 children involved in the project, before the end of 2012.

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